Call for Book Chapters
Artificial Intelligence for COVID-19
To be published in the series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (SSDC) by Springer
Currently, the entire world is suffering from a global epidemic of COVID-19 that has infected thousands of people in almost all countries. The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) put humans of all nations in front of this huge danger. The major signs of COVID-19 are declared so that any individual can discover whether or not he has such symptoms. To safeguard against disease, various centers of virus disinfection recommend many precautions, among them to stay at home except in cases of necessity.
It is very important that this worldwide focus draw the attention of scientists and researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence to the effective contribution in the optimal utilization of available resources and optimal decision-making to help in facing the emerging Coronavirus disaster.
Artificial intelligence (AI), defined as intelligence offered by machines where programs are progressing to perform specific missions. AI is a flourishing research field that is one of the driving forces of today’s activities and as such is having increasing impact on society, it has many applications in today’s society for a wide range of applications to create an even more exciting universe. AI and Optimization techniques have been used to develop and improve numerous fields including healthcare which is extremely important especially in light of the invasion of the current Corona pandemic.
To this end, we solicit high-quality original submissions to this special issue that reflect the unprecedented momentum garnered by this research area.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Artificial Intelligence based solutions for COVID-19
- Machine learning for COVID-19,
- Fuzzy systems and rough set theory for COVID-19,
- Recommender Systems for COVID-19,
- Image analysis and processing for COVID-19,
- Data science policies for COVID-19
- Data processing for COVID-19,
- Data Mining for COVID-19
- Big Data for COVID-19
- Mobile and cyber-physical system technology for COVID-19,
- Internet of Things (IoT) for COVID-19,
- Human-computer interaction for COVID-19,
- Robotics for COVID-19,
- Optimization techniques for COVID-19,
- Metaheuristic techniques for COVID-19,
- Heuristic approaches for COVID-19,
- Probabilistic models
- Different applications for COVID-19
Chapter Submission
Submitted manuscripts should conform to the standard guidelines of Springer’s book chapter format. Manuscripts must be prepared using Latex or Word according to Springer’s template that can be downloaded from the following link: Manuscripts that do not follow the formatting rules will be ignored. Prospective authors should send their manuscripts electronically by easychair system in PDF. Submitted manuscripts will be refereed by at least two independent and expert reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. The accepted contributions will be published in Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (SSDC) by Springer that is indexed on SCOPUS. More information about the series Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (SSDC) could be found in this link:
Link for submission
Publication Schedule
The tentative schedule of the book publication is as follows:
Deadline for paper submission: September 15, 2020
First-round notification: September 30, 2020
Camera-ready submission: October 31, 2020
Publication date: 1st quarter of 2021 (January 2021)
IMPORTANT: The books of this series are submitted to ISI, SCOPUS, DBLP, Ulrichs, MathSciNet, Current Mathematical Publications, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt Math: MetaPress and Springerlink.
Volume editors:
Dr. Diego Oliva
Universidad de Guadalajara, CUCEI, diego.oliva (at)
Prof. Said Ali Hassan
Cairo University. saidalihassan(at)
Dr. Ali Wagdy Mohamed
Cairo University,
Nile University, aliwagdy(at)