A multi-objective approach to weather radar network architecture
This paper proposes a multi-objective optimization approach for the optimal placement of a weather radar network. Assuming a finite geographical region and a limited number of weather radars, a network is produced by considering the minimization of the total partial beam blocking percentage of the network and the minimization of network installation and maintenance costs. Several constraints on the solutions are considered such as terrain topography, radar beam elevation, distance between radars and distance from the power grid and roads. In order to reduce the number of possible combinations of radar networks, the solution space is discretized into a gridded system. The multi-objective optimization problem is solved by four different evolutionary algorithms, and the obtained results are used in a land clutter simulation of the whole network. The presented approach can serve as an analysis tool for a decision support system by providing meteorologist a set of Pareto optimal solutions to facilitate the selection of future prime sites for the installation of weather radars.
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